Salvador Dali, Swans Reflecting Elephants, 1937
"Swans reflecting Elephants", depicts many details and objects brought together in a pond like setting. Around this pond is a blue sky, brown rocks, and clouds. In the pond, their are 3 swans with a reflection of elephants coming from the pond. It has a mixture of light and dark colors. On the far left side of this painting, you can see a portrait of the artist himself, Salvador Dali. He seems thinkitive and wise.
This painting seems to have a double meaning. Not only for the swans, but also for Salvador. I believe he depicts himslef as a swan, and as an elephant. He has two sides , and he lives depending on these two sides. I believe that sometimes he pictured himself as a weak human being, and other times as a courages person. Another aspect I found from the reflections is the different kinds of times one will experience in their lifes. Sometimes positive and sometimes negative moments will appear that can strangthen or weaken a huma being.
If I could interview Salvador Dali, here are some questions I would ask:
1). Why did you include yourself in this painting?
2). Why a pond, and not a mirror?
3). What do the tress in the back of the swans represent?
4). Why did you choose to use swans and elephants?